Well, we hit the road today, sans John Morgan (our cat), but with a car full of stuff. Currently, I am in a Hampton Inn in Springfield, OH. Normally, we drive down through Chicago, pick up I-80, head off to I-76 near Pittsburgh, swing down to I-70, then Maryland Rt. 65 to good ol' Shepherdstown. On a good day, it should take about 13 hours or so. Whenever we've done the journey there or back, we've always done it in one day.
Today, however, we were up early and headed to the old apartment to finish cleaning. After a stressful morning and early afternoon of dusting, sweeping, and mopping, we were finally back to our friends' house (read: staging area for the move) to pack up and get underway.
Around 2:00 today, we jumped on the road. Instead of the normal route outlined above, we went straight down I-39, then took I-74 from Bloomington, IL to Indianapolis, IN. There, we
took up I-70 into Ohio.
I looked up the Hampton Inn in Springfield, and it got great marks. Looking forward to breakfast tomorrow, though so far it is a pretty nice hotel.
Other items of note: If you ever make it through Champaign County, IL, be on the lookout for "Burma-Shave" style advertisements for a local group called Guns Save Life. Not lives, mind you, but life. Their website http://www.gunssavelife.com/ should convey just how nutty they are. Unless you're into guns. A lot. At which point it's probably less nutty... I think my two favorite sign slogans were:
Dialed 9-1-1
And I'm on hold.
Sure wish I had
That gun I sold...
My mom sleeps safe
She has no fear.
Thugs steer clear
or Bang! they'll hear.
Also, around Richmond, IN there is a real-estate guru with a TON of billboards. Not that uncommon, but he has some bad marketing people, esepcially considering his name: Tom Raper. Signs like "Tom Raper - All the right parts for the job," or "Tom Raper - Don't worry, he'll get it done." It should be innocuous, I know, but it just sounds ominous when a sign is declaring that he raper will get the job done.
That's all for tonight. It's late, and I need some rest before another long day of driving.
Safe travels to you! We're really going to miss having you both relatively nearby (if you can call 4 hours away nearby!!).
Wyatt saw an advertisement for the Renaissance Fair, and this year, they are having patron jousting...just think, if you guys were still nearby, you could have come and jousted each other. That would have been quite the sight. Ha ha. :)
I think I would have paid money to see Adam and Wyatt joust!
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