Saturday, August 2, 2008

The End of an Era

Today was my last day at Borders. I've been there since September 19th, 2007, so it wasn't that long, but it was definitely long enough for me to meet some great people. It was sort of a melancholy day, since I was having to say goodbye to some people that were very big parts of my life over the last year or so. There was cake, so it wasn't all bad, but it was still sort of sad. When Nadine came and picked me up, she said that it was really tumultuous for her, too. Borders has been such a big part of our lives, long before I started working there.

In addition to today being my last day at Borders, I finished working for the Mansion Hill Inn/Trek yesterday. I also finished up at the Wisconsin State Historical Society last month, so it's about time to start thinking about packing up and hitting the road.

We bought a couple of new suitcases this evening. They're the first ones that I have ever bought. Not that I am retiring the old ones, mind you. I've got some old bags that have served me well on multiple continents. But, with the major move to Germany, we were thinking that getting some jumbo sized pieces might work out a bit better, considering the amount of stuff we want to get overseas. Not like the new 50 lbs. limit on bags will allow us to carry all that much, but it's the thought that counts.

Photographs of the cake at Borders (thanks, Dayna!) and the farewell note to come once I can get the images to actually transfer to my computer. Currently, the image doesn't quite make it into the e-mail account when I text it...


Abby said...

Yay--so happy you started a blog! Can't wait to read all about your European adventures. :)

Unknown said...

"I've been there since September 19th, 2008, so it wasn't that long"

Dude, that means you've been there, like, negative time. Doesn't that violate some kind of physics law or cause some kind of time paradox?

And seriously... you have the Anonymous Posting turned off AND the Word Verification turned on?! What, are you worried about interwebby troll-bots spamming your blog?

Adam Zimmerli said...

It's all part of being a Master of History. You get to go forwards, backwards, etc.

But, you're right about the interweb-spams. Consider it gone.

Unknown said...

Sweet... As a Master of History, do you get showered with electricity and shout, "I HAVE THE POWER!" when you alter time and change history?!

I was going to post a Viagra ad under the Anonymous identity, but that would've been a lot of effort.

Kevin (aka Padma) said...

Very interesting, indeed, Adam. Be sure that your Uncle Kevin will be following your (and Nadine's) progress. ;-)